After adding bulletin MS12-A04 (KB2719615) to a patch group, you may see devices in this group repeatedly apply these patches. Additionally, if the patch group is configured to perform a reboot after installation, the target PC will also reboot continuously.
This Microsoft bulletin contains an MSI file that installs the update and another MSI file that removes the update. If both of these patch files have been assigned to a device, the device will install the patch, reboot, perform a patch scan, and determine that the uninstaller must be run (as it now appears as a missing patch). The patch will then be uninstalled, the device will reboot, and the cycle will repeat.
To address this issue, please ensure that you have added only the Enable patch (MicrosoftFixIt50897.msi or MicrosoftFixIt50908.msi depending on the installed version of MSXML), or the Disable patch (MicrosoftFixIt50898.msi or MicrosoftFixIt50909.msi depending on the installed version of MSXML)have been added to a patch group.