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Let’s talk about Remedyforce Change!

RightStar TeamAugust 5, 2016

There were some nice enhancements around Remedyforce Change in Summer 16. In case you haven’t had a chance to look at them, here’s some information:
First, the Calendar is now accessible from the Remedyforce Console. You don’t have to be in a change record or have it on your Dashboard to see it – it’s right there with everything else:

A very useful capability is that you can now filter the changes that appear on the calendar. For those of you in busy environments, being able to filter by any field on the change form will simplify your life – go to the filter icon in the top right, select the field and criteria – and apply. (And yes, you can add multiple rows/criteria.)

For those of you who don’t like the out-of-the-box change type colors on the calendar, you can now configure that – open up the calendar, go to the setup icon, and click on a color to change it.

Finally, have you ever been frustrated because you have an emergency change request – but there is a scheduled Service Outage so you can’t schedule the change? There is a way to do it now! You can add the field “Override Blackouts” to the User layout page, and then select that checkbox for those users who you want to be able to override Service Outages when there is an emergency change. This way changes will be scheduled for when they happened, and not moved to a time outside the outage window.


I think BMC did an excellent job at hitting on some needed enhancements for Remedyforce Change. I hope everyone agrees!