FootPrints Asset Core v11.5 Latest HotFix Released
All administrators of FPAC v11.5 should be aware that BMC has released a new hotfix as of March 1, 2013. The hotfix can be downloaded from here. Only administrators registered to login into can access these files.
This hotfix is cumulative and includes these latest fixes from the previous hotfix:
TIA06479 – The Database Status for the Patch Knowledge Base may hang in the “Published” status. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06480 – The option to wake up devices when applying patches is no longer present in version 11.5. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06481 – Devices assigned to a patch group may remain in a status of “Transfer in Progress”. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06482 – Asset Discovery scans may show all target devices with a status of “Unreachable”. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06483 – After upgrading to 11.5, there is no longer a way to remove a previously downloaded patch from the master server. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06484 – Adding multiple columns related to software license data to a report may generate duplicate rows in the report. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06485 – Bulletins which have been marked as hidden can stil be deployed via patch jobs. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06486 – Unhiding a previously hidden bulletin can remove parameters for patch jobs. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
TIA06487 – Attempting to shutdown a device may cause the device to reboot if a patch reboot is pending. This was addressed in the 130223c update.
If your company has experienced any of the issues mentioned above then applying the latest hotfix will correct those issues.